Monday, July 14, 2008

Well as Moody alluded too, we were on the verge of a full blown bar brawl. good for the city of Vegas it didn't happen. we were minding our own business but some people were picking a fight with the quietest guy at our table. his brother inlaw is one of my closets friends. he eventually had enough of it and, is a bit of a tough guy, so he walks over and smacks the guy so hard he flies out of his chair which in turn that guys friend tackles my friend which in turn our whole table jumps up and runs over and add to it. bar tenders, bouncer and local patrons all jump in right away to prevent an old school all out bar fight. Pretty much all of us at our table are from Moorhead. we all grew up on the North side, which is the working class side of town, and is very racially diverse. every single one of us has been in a ton of fights. We very rarely start them any more but dont have a problem finishing them. its to bad Moody spent the 10 min. melee in the bathroom. no one was hurt and no one went to jail so no harm no foul in my book.


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